Submit application and documents by July 1, 2025, to:
Jean Wackerly
Stark County Women's Amateur Golf Association
Attention: Scholarship Committee
1500 - 44th Street NW
Canton, Ohio 44709
Betty Kerby Peppard Scholarship Application
Indicate your college choice(s)
1. Personal resume: indicate major, activities, employment and golf participation
2. Two recommendations: from teacher or guidance counselor
1. Scholarships will be based on availability of scholarship funds and each applicant's
qualifications; in no way does the Association guarantee that any candidate will receive
any form of scholarship assistance. The scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1,000.00.
3. All applicants must be in their senior year of high school.
4. Scholarships will be awarded based on determination of a scholarship committee and will
be awarded at the meeting of the Association in July.
Participation on high school golf team and accepted to play on college golf team
Extracurricular and community activities
5. Personal interviews may be conducted.
School Guidance Counselor
Financial Assistance from Grants
2. Completed applications must be received by July 1, 2025, to be considered.
Include the following with this application